Bass Trap – Professional Quality Studio Foam


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Quality, professional Bass Traps for all levels of acoustic treatments in music rooms, cinema rooms, theatres and rehearsal studios.

When you are building any studio and area that should never be taken for granted is the low end frequency response of the room.  The only way to be able to control the low end energy that builds up in the room is by employing effective low frequency absorption.  This is accomplished using Bass Traps.  Bass Traps work at their best when they are placed in the corners of the room, both vertical and horizontal.  Low end energy congregates in the corners so by placing bass traps in the corners you can reduce detrimental effect this has.

Product Specifications:

  • Dimensions: 915mm x 305mm x 305mm

Additional information

Weight 0.00 kg
Dimensions 915 × 305 × 305 cm
Size & Extras


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