Part E– The Facts
The revision of Part E of the Buildings Regulations, designed to address the noise level suffered by occupants of multi-storey dwellings, had a significant effect on the use of acoustic flooring. Separating floors now have to be constructed in such a sway as to achieve the sound insulation values shown in the table below.
For updated party regulations please click here.
Methods of Compliance
There are two methods of compliance to Approved Document E: Pre-Completion Testing and Robust Details.
Pre-Completion Testing applies to rooms used for residential purposes, houses and flats formed by the conversion of other buildings and new build houses and flats.
The required insulation values are set out in the tables opposite and apply to rooms that are completed but not furnished or occupied and that separate spaces used for domestic purposes.
Testing to show compliance with the required values must be carried out by an accredited acoustician. A copy of the results must then be passed to an approved inspector.
Since 1st July 2004 Robust Details have been allowed as an acceptable alternative to Pre Completion Testing. Robust Details are high performance, separating wall and floor constructions that meet a specified standard, avoiding the need for Pre Completion Testing.
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